
Building a Culture of Sustainability in Construction: ADCO’s Environmental Commitment

As Joni Mitchell said:

“It’s coming on Christmas, They’re cutting down treesThey’re putting up reindeerAnd singing songs of joy and peace”… and the sun is out!

The calendar might say it’s winter, but the temperatures would have you thinking it’s still autumn. Now, you don’t have to be an environmental scientist or a climatologist to figure out that there’s something off about the weather.

The construction industry consumes a lot of resources, creating a whole lot of pollution in the process. Even with the increase in environmental awareness, the construction sector accounts for an incredible 37% of global carbon emissions.

So instead of waiting for governments to do something to tackle the climate change problem and reduce our collective carbon footprint, it’s up to businesses – particularly businesses in the construction industry, the ones who know how to get projects delivered – to step up and do the right thing.

That’s exactly the way we see it at ADCO, and we have spent the last few years working to nurture an internal culture of sustainability that has gotten our people more environmentally aware and curious about what they can do to help.

With the finite nature of the resources we use, we’re constantly looking at ways to reduce the impact our work has on the environment. This is not just limited to changing and improving how buildings are constructed. We’ve developed a mindset that extends to our homes and the communities around us.

From conserving energy, to reducing waste, to protecting biodiversity, every member of our team wants to make a positive environmental impact. Sustainability is implemented at every level in our business.

We behave with environmental responsibility

Saying you care about the environment and are going to adopt more environmentally sustainable practices is one thing, but the doing is all that matters.

Today’s workers want meaningful employment in companies that have a purpose. The environment is something that matters deeply to not only these future employees, but our current ones too, so we are continually seeking ways to reduce carbon pollution, and minimise the impacts of our office and site-based activities on the environment.

To that end, we have developed an Environmental Policy Document and put in place Environmental Operating Procedures. At ADCO we encourage the active cooperation of all our members of staff to make sure we deliver our services not only effectively but responsibly.

Striking the balance between desirable development and environmental sustainability

As a main contractor and a responsible member of the business community, we believe the balance needs to be struck between desirable development and environmental protection. We work toward this by looking for every opportunity to conserve resources, prevent pollution, and reduce our carbon emissions.

Our Environmental Commitment

This charter is something we ask all of the suppliers, contractors and subcontractors we work with to sign up to, and stay true to its values.

  • Prevent pollution and waste
  • Ensure efficient use of materials and energy
  • Comply with environmental legal requirements and emission standards
  • Review our activities in relation to their impact on the environment
  • Set targets for the reduction of environmental impacts
  • Implement an environmental management planning procedure for site-based activities, to ensure management and control where possible
  • Integrate that control into our existing management system for quality, safety and health
  • Expect our subcontractors to comply with this policy and meet environmental requirements
  • Provide the necessary awareness and training to enable staff to contribute to policy implementation
  • Maintain a policy for continuous improvement of the environmental management system and performance
  • Communicate this policy to all employees and subcontractors

At ADCO we’ve got high standards

A huge part of the success of our team is down to our dedication to sustainability, which is one of the key components of the ISO quality, health & safety, and environmental standards we have worked hard to attain.

If you’re looking for a contractor with a proactive, innovative attitude to sustainability that is literally built into their way of doing business and working with clients, contact the team at ADCO today to find out more.

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